Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

Working together to reduce pov

THE sentence "Working together to reduce poverty" is declared on 2000 by the world bank. Actually on the recent years after the spirit of “working together to reduce poverty” there’s a growing awareness of the need to address the problem of youth employment in Indonesia –both to provide decent work opportunites for young people and to allow Indonesia to get the full benefit in its economic and social development of their contribution. The time to combat poverty has arrived, sure that hard work lies a head. We have to commit to ending poverty. The first step is commitment to the task: focus to halving poverty by 2015 and struggle to ending poverty by 2025. Better that we did not wait for the rich and powerfull to come to rescue. The poor cannot wait.

Hence, corporate social responsibility or CSR emerges as a responsibility way of the corporation to maintain its beneficence and reduce the negative impacts. The negative impact could be exist resulted from the efforts to build the beneficence values. This objective will not be achieved without a synergetic cooperation between the corporation, community and government. CSR will be successful if the corporation’s plan of CSR conducted by the triple bottom line concept which be implemented by revolutionary change in corporate attitudes in positioning the corporation amid the community and government. Thus, there must be cooperation between corporations, government and community. Starting from this point Good Corporate Governance (GCG) can be achieved. Absolutely, the collaboration between CSR, Triple Bottom Line and GCG can reduce the number of the poor.█ Ringkasan. This article is presented in CSR Forum, at Jakarta, 26th of August 2008 ibl Jakarta

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